Camila Charry Noriega (Colombia)
Por: Camila Charry Noriega
July 8th to 15th, 2017
Camila Charry Noriega Bogota, Colombia, 1979. She graduated in Literary Studies and is a Masters candidate in Aesthetics and Art History. She has published the books Behind the Mist, Común Presencia Editores; Today, Garcin Editores; Other Eyes, El angel editor; The Sun and the Flesh, Ediciones Torremozas Tomás Vargas Osorio Poetry Prize 2016. Second place international poetry contest Ciro Mendía 2012, 2015; Casa de Poesía Silva National Poetry Prize 2016. She has participated in various poetry gatherings in Colombia, America and Europe. Some of her poems have been translated into English, French, Rumanian, Polish, Portuguese and Italian. She works as a teacher of literature and critical reading and writing with an emphasis on art and literature.
Published at May 27th, 2017