Carlos Ciro (Colombia)
Por: Carlos Ciro
July 8th to 15th, 2017
Carlos Ciro (Medellin, 1974) is a literary translator and writes poetry and essay. He has training in Philosophy and Systems Engineering. He has translated some English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese authors into Spanish. For more than twenty years, he has studied and translated Fernando Pessoa’s works for various virtual spaces under the name of "Pessoas of Pessoa" since 1996. His compilation and translation "I am an anthology –selected poems-" by Fernando Pessoa, was published by University of Antioquia Editions, in 2014. He Translated the Portuguese poet and novelist Valter Hugo Mãe to Tragaluz Editions.
Of his writing, the series: Stones, 2001; Chapters, 2009; Un-Leaves, and Transits, 2016, have appeared in some literary magazines and in editions of limited circulation, also in literary blogs (including his blog “Wanderings of Shadow”) and on social networks; and some of his essays have been published as introductory studies, prologues and as part of collective volumes. With the Cultural Corporation La Bisagra offers and guides literary workshops and reading clubs and publishes La Bisagra, magazine of poetic creation.
Published at May 27th, 2017