Marcia Mogro (Bolivia)
Por: Marcia Mogro
July 8th to 15th, 2017
Marcia Mogro was born in La Paz, Bolivia, on June 2, 1956. She studied Literature at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. She lives in Santiago de Chile since 1985.
She has published her texts in magazines, newspapers and anthologies of several countries. Her books have been translated into English by scholar and poet Carol Peters and Ezra Miller. And into German by translator Eva Srna and Timo Berger.
She has published the books of poetry: Semiramis, 16 (MG), 1988, Colección de Poesía Joven Chilena, "Serie Fin de Siglo", Editorial Caja Negra y Documentas, Santiago, Chile; The Hanging Gardens, 1995, Editorial El Hombrecito Sentado , La Paz, Bolivia; From the Cross to the Date, 2000, Editorial El Hombrecito Sentado, La Paz, Bolivia; Lacrimosa, Editorial El Hombrecito Sentado, La Paz, Bolivia; Excavations, 2009, Plural Editores, La Paz, Bolivia; Remains of a Sky, Parts Remains Fragments Traces, 2011, Plural Editores, La Paz, Bolivia; High Risk Exhibition, 2013, Plural Editores, La Paz, Bolivia, Editorial Palabra Ilustrada, Santiago de Chile.
Published at May 27th, 2017