Luis Carlos Mussó (Ecuador)
Por: Luis Carlos Mussó
July 8th to 15th, 2017
Luis Carlos Mussó (Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1970) has published the book of poems The Book of Calm (Cuenca Biennial Prize, 1999), Propagation of the Night (Cesar Davila Andrade Prize, 2000), Darkness of Splendor (2007), Minimal Hysteria (2008), Evohe (Municipality of Guayaquil Prize), Moral Geometry (2011), Alzheimer (2013), Notebooks of Indiana (2014) , Mea Vulgatae (Jorge Carrera Andrade Award, 2014) and Minstrel of Haughtiness (2016). In addition, he has published Oscurana (novel, Angel F. Rojas award and Joaquin Gallegos Lara prize, 2011), Epic of the Everyday (essay) and Faces of Half the World (semblanzas, José Peralta National Journalism Prize, 2015). With the Peruvian poet Luis Fernando Chueca published Double Splinter (2008). He is co-responsible with Juan Jose Rodinas for the Ecuadorian Poetry Anthology Tempestad Secreta (2010), and edited and introduced the anthologies The Splintered Shadow of Sodoma (2013) and Blood of Spóndylus (e. book published by Vallejo & Co., 2016). He studied undergraduate and graduate degrees in letters. He teaches at the university and works in journalism. His collaborations have been translated and published in six languages.
Published at May 27th, 2017