
Tom Schulz, Germany

Por: Tom Schulz



Tom Schulz was born in Germany in 1970. He is a poet, storyteller, journalist and publisher. He has published, among others, the books: Kanon vor dem Verschwinden (Prior Canon to the Escape, 2009), Bavaria Prize, 2010; Vergeuden, den Tag (Waste, the Day, 2006); Abends im Lidl (Evenings in Lidl, 2004); and Innere Musik (Inner Music, 2012), Brandenburg Lottery Arts Prize, 2013. He was included in the anthology Luces intermitentes (Paraiso perdido Edition, 2009).

According to Daniel Bencomo, in Tom Schulz’s poetry "music oscillates between the experiential evocation and its transfiguration in altered, hallucinating images, which swing their interest across the lyrical tradition of their language - from the Middle Ages and the Baroque to the present,

Referring to the poems of his book Evenings in Lidl, Bencomo also points out: "Schulz directs there a critique at certain patterns and structures of contemporary societies: exacerbated consumerism, the fragility of every ideological postulate, the fracturing of individuals and communities: The failure of poetry as a means of evocation; All in an atmosphere of lucid joy, crossed by the needles of humor and a certain skepticism”.

Published at May 27th, 2017

Última actualización: 04/01/2022