Jesus Sepúlveda (Chile)
Por: Jesus Sepúlveda
July 8th to 15th, 2017
Jesus Sepulveda (Santiago de Chile, 1967) is one of the main Latin American poets that emerged in the late eighties. He is the author of eight book of poems and three books of essays, including his eco-anarchist manifesto The Garden of Peculiarities (Buenos Aires, 2002) and his book of criticism in English Poets on the Edge (Boca Raton, 2016). His select poetry was collected in the anthology Poems of a Barbarian, published in Santiago de Chile in 2013 and his most recent book of poetry, Secoya, was published in New York in 2015. In 2000, the Argentine magazine Perro Negro awarded his book Black Missives (Buenos Aires 2001) and in 2009, Pulso Films took to the cinema his third book of poems, Marconi Hotel (Santiago de Chile, 1998). His first book of poems, Place of Origin (Santiago de Chile, 1987), remains an emblematic text of the generation that grew during the Pinochet dictatorship. He is also author of Escrivania (Queretaro, Mexico, 2003) and the long philosophical poem Antiegotico (Viña del Mar, 2013). Sepulveda's work has been published in about twenty countries and translated into nine languages, leading him to participate in numerous poetry festivals and readings around the world. He is a doctor in Romance languages and teaches at the University of Oregon. He lives in Eugene, Northwestern United States.
Published at May 27th, 2017