Denisse Vega Farfan (Peru)
Por: Denisse Vega Farfan
July 8th to 15th, 2017
Denisse Vega Farfan (Trujillo, Peru, 1986). She is the author of the books of poetry: A Dwelling Beyond the Kingdoms (Cultural Center of Spain & Lustraeditores, Young Poetry Prize of Peru, 2008), The First Astonishment (Animal de Invierno & Paracaidas Editores, 2014), and the plaquette Hippocampus (La propia cartonera, Uruguay, 2010). She has published in other languages: Une demeure après les règnes (Paracaidas Editores, Trois-Rivières International Poetry Festival, 2013). Her poems have been translated into English, French, Chinese, Italian and German. Her poetry is included in numerous anthologies such as Peruvian Poets of Anthology (Ricardo González Vigil, Mascapaycha Editores), In Lands of the Condor (Taller de Edicion Rocca, Colombia), Looking over the Hay, A Sample of Recent Peruvian Poetry (Vallejo & Company, Peru), Poetry That Turns (Amaru Cartonera, Chile), Ladder Made Up of Staircases of Time (China), Transfronterizas. 38 Latin American poets (UNAM). She has participated in various cultural events in Peru and abroad, such as the "Trois-Rivières International Poetry Festival" (Canada), the "Qinghai Lake International Festival" (China), Mexico (2015), Santo Domingo International Book Fair (Dominican Republic), and the Bucaramanga International Poetry Festival (Colombia), Hay Festival.
Published at May 27th, 2017