
Lance Henson (United States of America)

Por: Lance Henson

Things fallen under the moon....
Sound of a cracking winter

In the scent of a cold wind
Someone listening to a singing deep inside
Where silence and silken memory ache together....

A light rain glistening gray
                              Against a  ghetto wall

In the shimmering

Arc light of a whispered  prayer...

Foggia Italy


The portal opens and all our
Breath escapes....
Placing our pieces of pain within the fallen wax
Of a burning dream....

Its gifts moving among us
As a shadow laughing inside a wall....

As snow in a dying wind
Filling the ravens

Blind animals waiting where we left them....
Their eyes turned toward us
As if we have something to give them

Blind animals in their silent forest....

On a limb above a frozen river

Ravens dripping shadow....

Poem found among hidden prayers
Dec 14 17




On this day....the sound of scratching on a burning floor....
A wounded laughter
Where the river holds itself before leaving....
Soft words that have never spoken...
         In the abandoned shoe of a child on a
War torn frontier...

The still warm imprint of an animal....steam rising
In a howl across the wintered field....

A tattered bright ribbon
Tinged with blood on concertina wire...

Passages across the closing hand

                                               Of another year....

From the dead zone texts




Here all the gods are dead

Children fold the brightest parts
Of themselves inside....

As is they are still


Sept 20 17



In a vagrant wind
The earths gentleness hiding in the leaves....
The fallen snow...

Leaves waiting in their long silences
Leaves covering our shame....

Leaves shining on our waking faces

On this solemn journey among the loneliest of us

Handprints falling out of a female rain.....

A poem revisited for the dead zone texts
Netzschkau Germany 3 oct 2006

Wald Switzerland dec 26 16




Memories meet one another on the way

Without knowing who they are


Here are the lives that have returned

                Who cannot remember their eyes

Staring toward the darkened forest....


Listening for their hands that are crawling toward

The light...

               Where they left their promises...


In a broken sleep


By a river....


June 9 16




There are horseman under a canopy in a fiery rain
Speaking low....
Of the drought from which they have arrived....
Humans on the run....

In the gathering vagueries
Of the many
Posted on the voting boards..
Unfinished forever....

Two visions....America
March 15 16
Veho,tsistsistas for white man


Lance Henson was born in 1944 in Oklahoma. He earned a Master's degree in Creative Writing at University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Henson's poetry is known for its powerful imagery, brevity and universal appeal. It incorporates Cheyenne philosophy and traditions as well as social and political commentary on the modern world. Henson is a writer and educator, and served in the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. His published poetry books are: Another distance, 1991; Another song for America, 1987; A Cheyenne sketchbook, 1985; In a dark mist, 1992; Strong heart song : lines from a revolutionary text : poetry, 1997.

Última actualización: 09/09/2021