11º Medellin International Poetry Festival

The XI International Poetry Festival is held between June 1 and 10, 2001, in which 97 poetry readings are scheduled in Medellín, as well as in 11 towns in Antioquia and 18 Colombian cities.
The following 101 poets from 69 countries were invited: Michael Speier, Gerhard Falkner (Alemania), Julio Salgado, Martín Prieto (Argentina), Coral Hull (Australia), Heidi Pataki (Austria), Hayat Saif (Bangladesh), Qassim Haddad (Bahreim), Winston Farrell (Barbados), Leroi Young (Belice), Juan Carlos Orihuela (Bolivia), Luiz de Miranda (Brazil), Vito Apshana -Nación Wayuu-, Freddy Chicangana -Yanacona nation, Colombia- , Hugo Jamioy Juagibioy -Kamsá nation, Colombia- José Sixto Bolívar -Arzario nation, Colombia-, William Agudelo, Raúl Henao, Miguel Méndez Camacho, Elkin Restrepo, Ramón Cote Baraibar, Miguel Iriarte, Tallulah Flores, Nelson Romero, José Libardo Porras, Luis Eduardo Gutiérrez, Carlos Fajardo, Flobert Zapata, Pedro Blas Julio Romero, Amparo Inés Osorio, Alexis Zapata, J. Arturo Sánchez, Hadder Bedoya, Jandey Marcel Solviyerte (Colombia), Ko Un (South Korea), Luis Chaves (Costa Rica), Oscar Hahn (Chile), Elicura Chihuailaf -Nación Mapuche- (Chile), Bei Dao (People´s Republic of China), Georgina Herrera , José Félix León (Cuba), Thomas Boberg (Denmark), Edwin Madrid, Aleyda Quevedo (Ecuador), Federico Hernández Aguilar (El Salvador), Kevin MacNeil (Scotland), Ales Steger (Slovenia), Antonio Colinas, Juan Vicente Piqueras (Spain), Amiri Baraka, Amina Baraka (United States), Andres Ehin (Estonia), Athena Papadaki (Greece), Adolfo Mendez Vides (Guatemala), Georges Castera (Haiti), María Eugenia Ramos (Honduras), Sunil Gangopadhyay (India), Adrian Mitchell (United Kingdom), Saadi Yussuf (Iraq), Vilborg Dagbjartsdóttir (Iceland), Gaetano Longo, Enzo Minarelli (Italy), Yasus Afari (Jamaica), Yasuo Fujitomi (Japan); Teresia Teaiwa (Kiribati), Edvins Raups (Latvia), Abbas Baydoun (Lebanon), Mohammed Bennis (Morocco), Nicole Cage-Florentiny (Martinica), Juan Bañuelos (Mexico), Jorge Cocom Pech -Maya nation- (Mexico) e Irma Pineda -Zapoteca nation- (Mexico), Galsan Tschinag (Mongolia), Ron Riddell (New Zealand), Katarina Kawana,Te Kupu -maori´s poets- (New Zealand), K. Michel (The Netherlands), Kishwar Naheed (Pakistan), Pablo Menacho (Panama), Renée Ferrer (Paraguay), Renato Sandoval (Peru), Américo Ferrari (Peru), Fernando Aguiar (Portugal), Vicente Rodríguez Nietzsche (Puerto Rico), Wenceslao Serra, José Acosta (Dominican Republic), Dumitru M. Ion (Romania), Sia Figiel (Samoa), Syl Cheney Coker (Sierra Leona), Ramya Jirasinghe (Sri Lanka), Karin Bellman (Sweeden), Tresa Rüthers-Seeli (Switzerland), Lesego Rampolokeng (South Africa), Marosa Di Giorgio, Clemente Padín, Martha Canfield y Luis Bravo (Uruguay), Armando Rojas Guardia (Venezuela), Zlatko Krasni (Serbia), Chenjerai Hove (Zimbabwe), la actriz francesa Nathalie Richard y Thomas Wohlfahrt en representación de Literatur Express.
This event has a complementary program: In the V International Poetry School, 6 courses and 10 lectures are given; there is also an International Exhibition of Experimental Poetry, in which 300 works of visual poetry are shown, as well as the work of 13 contemporary sonorous poets; additionally there is a second display of poetry books and reviews of nearly 1500 titles from 32 Colombian and foreign publishers; and a cycle of poetic movies and videos consisting in 16 movies shown in four venues.
The First International International Poetry Festival of Medellín Poetry in the Spanish Language Prize was offered, to which 120 books from Spain and Latin America were sent. The winner was the Uruguayan poetess Marosa Di Georgia, who was invited to the Festival as specified in the bases of the contest. Considering the quality of their work, the jury recommended that the poets Juan Vicente Piqueras, from Spain, and Luis Chávez, from Costa Rica, be also invited, as was done by the organization of the event. The Festival also offered the II National Poetry Prize for Colombian poets born after 1970.