
Floriano Martins (Brasil, 1957)

Floriano Martins

(Brazil, 1957)

Cartographer’s Writings

Strengh is seeked in time, in its wide roots
Alexander Search one night told me of the maps
that he own had scratched, the distances
that unites us out of our knowledge. In the hands
of time itself as a hallucinated cartographer
exploring the memory as an oil bath
deformed walls, ground of remains, light
almost nothing. The crawling incense. Fabrics warped
the strange meaning of his everlasting vertebras.
Nothing was described or classified, a tormented
world of insinuations. There, we were nothing but beasts
writings based on our own foolishness.
His hand, however, kept drawning the contradiction
among art and science: “We are not improving
the old traumas – he told me – but choosing
our misunderstandings better”, and he proceeded convincing.

Translated by André Nunes.

Última actualización: 28/06/2018