Quentin Ben Mongaryas (Gabon, 1948)
Quentin Ben Mongaryas (Gabon, 1948)
Africa or Africa
Africa of rotten clans
Africa without dignity
Africa of minerals
Africa of plantations
Africa of black witch-doctors
Africa of all poisons
Africa of tribalism
Africa of mercenaries
Africa of prisoners
Africa of good slaves
Africa of the good corrupt ones
Africa of good vultures
My whipped back endures
My torn-out heart bleeds
My guinea pig blood splashes
My tense soul grumbles
My chained body wails
My mangled side falls off
My bound hands were ripped off
My broken limbs suffer
My burst eyes cry
My cut ears whistle
My scorched flesh rots
And my breath I give to you
Tranlated by Nicolás Suescún