
Ramón Cote (Colombia, 1963)

Ramón Cote (Colombia, 1963)

Sonata of the Angel

Not only because of his loneliness do you
recognize the foreigner. Aloof and oblique
he observes how time is tyranny among others,
disputable glow. Although he stays for long
in another country that is not his
and loses his indelible phrase turns and the language
that wasn’t enough to cover his shyness
he now finds it familiar in certain way,
he tries to discover it
under his only yellow shirt,
the empty holes of his wings.

Tranlated by Raúl Jaime Gaviria

Ramón Cote was born in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia, in 1963. Poet and university professor. Graduate in History of Art from The Complutense University. He is author of five books of poems, among them: Poemas para una fosa común, 1984; Los fuegos olvidados, El confuso trazado de las fundaciones, 1991; Poesía, 1992; and Botella Papel, 1999. The book: Informe sobre el estado de los trenes en la antigua estación de Delicias was published in Venezuela in the collection Pequeña Venecia. He also published: Diez de Ultramar Antología de la joven poesía Latinoamericana. Collaborator of the supplement of literary critic of the newspaper El País of Spain.
Última actualización: 28/06/2018