
Felipe García Quintero (Colombia)

Por: Felipe García Quintero
Traductor: Nicolás Suescún


A Sky that Walks on Earth

A mountain with my bones,
a river with my eyes and its veins,
a tree with my hands.

And my voice in the memorious wind
where everything lies buried.


Felipe García Quintero was born in Popayán, Colombia, in 1973. He carried out Literature Studies at the Universidad del Cauca. In his city of birth, he has been director of the Ophelia poetry magazine. In poetry, he has published, Monólogos del huésped (the guest's monologues), 1996; Señales de tránsito (traffic signs), 1997; Vida de nadie (no one's life), 1999; and Piedra vacía (empty stones), 2001. He won the Pablo Neruda Poetry Prize.

Última actualización: 21/04/2021