
Ariruma Kowii (Quechua People, Ecuador)

Por: Ariruma Kowii
Traductor: Raúl Jaime Gaviria


Mother Earth

For Mother Earth
not to die
let's dance again
around the Sun
and the Moon
the dance of the condor
of the serpent
of the deer
lets leave our hearts
overflow into cataclysms
and let's create nothingness
with our words
by day lets talk placed in circles,
and halfmoon placed by night
let's talk in time of yesterday
now and tomorrow
with our Yayas
and our Wawas
lets ignite with our future
the contours
of all the paths
lets advance as eagles
through all the vicissitudes
and lets imprint in them
the harmony of our dreams
Lets watch over
With the most sophisticated radars
The integrity of her veins
Her breath, her spirit
Her hands, her hands
Of the future
Of the dream
The tenderness
of the beautiful murmur
of life.


Ariruma Kowii was born in Otavalo, Ecuador, August 4, 1961. Poet, professor and editorialist of the Quitean newspaper Hoy, He belongs to the Quechua nation. Graduate in Social and Political Sciences from the Central University of Ecuador. He teaches literature and Studies about Culture in the Andean University Simón Bolívar in his country. He has published the poetry books: Mutsuktsurini, 1988; Tsaitsik: poemas para construir el futuro -edición bilingüe, 1993; and Diccionario de nombres kichuas, 1998.

Última actualización: 30/08/2021