
Ana Mercedes Vivas (Colombia)

Por: Ana Mercedes Vivas
Traductor: Aurora Arciniegas


The courtyard

So many absences all the time
that I can no longer name them.

Rain falls behind the tears
and from the courtyard rises an odor
of damp earth and apples.

Only ghosts live now
in this house
-hieratic specters
that have shed their flesh
and their silence-.

I cross the bridges of time,
while memories fall
changed into murmurs of stone.



Ana Mercedes Vivas was born in Cali in 1960. Poet and journalist. Communications Official of the Regional Office of UNICEF for Latin America and the Caribbean. She has been translated into English, Portuguese, French, German and Galician, in diverse anthologies. Published Works: Verso a Verso, 1986; Las Trampas del Amor, 1991; Cartas de la Nostalgia, 1992; La Noche del Girasol, 1996 and Material de Guerra y otros materiales, She has been Writing Staff Coordinator of Semana and Chief of Press of Caracol Television.

Última actualización: 30/03/2021